Intelligent Debtor Tracing - £49.99
If you need to trace the current address for a debtor then please consider using our Intelligent Tracing services. We will access and use only compliant data sources to quickly and accurately trace a debtor to a current address. It matters not, whether you have judgement against the debtor or you are looking to trace the debtor to enable the service of legal papers in pursuance of the outstanding debt.
On average, approximately 12% of the UK population will move home each and every year - many people fail to inform creditors of their move, leaving outstanding debts in their wake. Prompt and successful debtor tracing are key features in the collection of such debts. We provide our debtor tracing service to any person or organisation that is looking to initiate and recover a debt through the courts or to enforce an existing judgement.
Please supply within your debtor trace instruction all the relevant information concerning the debt, including any judgement you may have attained or the case number if you have initiated court action. This service is strictly for tracing debtors and we will not process any trace not for any other purpose.
To commence a debtor trace, please complete the online debtor trace form. If you are a registered client that has submitted previously please supply your reference number.
New clients: Please complete the submission form in full and we will telephone you to confirm your identity and to set up an account. No payment will be required or taken until we have confirmed the debtor is fully traceable.
For operator Debtor Searches telephone 0900 789 0789 during office hours 0800 - 1700 Hrs Monday to Friday
Calls charged at £3.60 per minute plus your phone providers access charge. Minimum charge is £3.60